RayCam’s vision is to be “not just a community centre, but the centre of a community.” Our aim is to develop inclusive, just, and compassionate neighbourhoods that promote optimal growth and development of children, youth, and families. Our work is grounded in place-based approaches, reconciliation, inclusion, child rights, community engagement, and capacity building.
Place-Based Approaches
Reconciliation, Inclusion & Child Rights
Community Engagement
Capacity Building
RayCam sees value in research as a powerful tool for advocacy, an effective strategy for evaluation of its programs and services, and an avenue for capacity building. In most cases, RayCam prefers to partner with researchers at the development stage of the research project. Our research is guided by the following principles:
Researchers should build a working relationship with RayCam and community members.
RayCam and community members should play a role in decisions about how the research will be conducted, including the engagement process, data collection, analysis, and how the findings will be interpreted, used, and shared.
RayCam and community members should be able to access the data and decide who else can access it.
RayCam and community members have the right to confidentiality, including the protection of identifiable, de-identified, and anonymized data.
If you are interested in partnering with RayCam on a research project, please email raycamcc@telus.net to learn more about our research process and how to engage with us.