RayCam offers licensed daycare for children aged 2.5 to 5 years in the community. Our daycare staff consists of a diverse team of Early Childhood Educators and Early Childhood Educator Assistants who are familiar with the unique needs and strengths of the community. Children are divided into two groups with 20 children in the Mountain Room and Lake Room.
Children experience a range of activities to support their development and well-being, including arts and crafts, circle time, indoor play in our gym, outdoor play at our playground, field trips, and nap time. Nutritious meals and snacks are provided regularly. We incorporate evolving best practices in early childhood education and value caregiver involvement and feedback in our approach.
RayCam is a participating in the provincial $10/day childcare initiative. The fee is $200/month and eligible families can apply for Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB). Daycare is available from 7:30am to 5:30pm on weekdays (except statutory holidays). The daycare is also closed for 12 days throughout the year for staff professional development.
RayCam offers licensed Out of School Care (OSC) for children aged 5 to 12 years in the community. We provide nutritious snacks and a recreation program that includes arts and crafts, gym and outdoor play, games, field trips, and much more. Children who attend Seymour and Strathcona Elementary Schools are picked-up each day. We have four rooms for our OSC program named Willow, Sequoia, Cedar and Oak.
RayCam is a participating $10 a Day Centre. The fee is $140/month during the school year and $200/month during the summer.
The OSC program is available from 3pm to 5:30pm during the school year and 10am to 4pm during school professional days, winter break, spring break, and summer holidays. Please note separate registration is required for the summer and children enrolled during the school year are not automatically registered.